How To Be Lucky
Have you ever read an article about somebody who was successful because they were born into wealth or they were at the right place at the right time? A Greek shipping tycoon that is worth billions and started with millions from his father? A couple of guys that were able to create an internet business because they hit it big when they cashed their stock options from Microsoft?
You might have thought, "Well, that's great, but they were lucky, I'd be successful if I was in their shoes." So you weren't as lucky. Maybe you worked for a company that never made it big during the rah rah 90's. Or maybe, your lineage didn't include the Rockefellers or Vanderbilts. So what. It's time that you created your own luck.
If you think there is no way you'll get that lucky, you're right. But if you think you're going to get lucky someday, you're right as well.
Luck isn't the same for everybody. Sometimes your luck might be that you come up with an idea because you saw a news segment on TV. Or you happen to find somebody willing to loan you $1,000 to get you started. Luck is varying and different for everybody, what you do with it is your choice.
How can you make your own luck? First, you have to realize that you're going to have to work for it. Second, make sure you know that LUCK it isn't always what you think it's going to be. Here are some pointers:
* Talk to everyone. Luck sometimes means having connections. Even though a direct connection might not have what you need, they might know someone who does.
* Read everything. Do you like to read personal development books? How about business magazines? or industry periodicals? If you see something that interests you, you might be able to spin an interesting idea into a full-blown business.
* Go after your dreams, don't wait for them to come to you. If you are literally waiting for someone to come to you and say, "I've got a million dollars I want to invest with you because I like you," you're going to be waiting a long time. But, if you're proactive, you might get an opportunity you didn't think might happen.
* Life changes on a dime. Have you ever had a really bad day and suddenly something happens to turn it into a great day? That happens in business all the time (and vice versa too), this might sound trite, but every bad day will be followed up someday with a good one.
* Keep a positive attitude. The old expression goes that you attract what you put out. If you're negative and not fun to be around, nobody will want to help you, but if you're generally positive and have a great outlook on life, people will want to be around you. And those who can will be more likely to help you.
I get approached with business ideas, great products and even tips that could be tremendous. Most are not, but because I keep myself "out there" and let people know what I do, I increase my 'luck factor'.
No, I can't guarantee that your luck will translate into millions, nor can I say that you will become amazingly successful, but what I can promise you is that sitting at home doing nothing, wishing you were more fortunate doesn't make it happen.
Go get some luck.
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